Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Patin à glace

Saturday, my AFS chapter organized an event for ice skating in Charleroi followed by a "cheese party" in Namur.

Everyone was specifically told ahead of time to bring a cheese beginning with the first letter of your name.  I went out on Friday night to buy a cheese, and I found one called "Augustijn Kloosterkaas".  I figured that was the closest I could get to a cheese that started with a "K".  Of course I ended up forgetting it the next morning, so maybe I'll try some this weekend.

On Saturday morning, first I took the train to Namur to meet up with my chapter.  Then we took to train to Charleroi where we met up with from other AFSers that weren't in our chapter, and walked to the skating rink from there.  It was the first time I had gone in about three years, so I had a good time.

After that, we went to a fancy bar to socialize and the volunteers bought everyone one drink.  We said goodbye to some of the exchange students there who were only staying for three months.

We took the train back to Namur for the cheese party.  They still let me eat cheese even though I forgot to bring one!  Although I did get the cheese confused with the butter.  I put two different "cheeses" on my plate and ended up eating two spoonfuls of butter.

Afterwards, Saint Nicolas came to wish us a Joyeux Noël and to give us candy.  We were all getting called up individually and he was trying to make us do something embarrassing like sing or dance, so I decided to sit on his lap when he called me up to embarrass him.

In other news, I still haven't gotten my new ATM card yet, but my parents mailed it to me a while ago so it should be here later this week.

I also had my first official tennis lesson today.  Last time was just to see my skills and what group to place me in.

I'm sort of rushing this post because writing on your blog is like writing a paper.  You avoid doing it, but you know you have to do it sooner or later.  And it's 2 AM.


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