Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

It's hard for me to believe that it's already November, but that must mean I'm having fun.

Fall vacation started last Friday, and other than the first night, I hadn't really done much until yesterday (anyone who isn't a parent/teacher can feel free to ask me what happened the first night of vacation!).

Yesterday I went to Liège to celebrate Halloween with other exchange students.  First I met up with my friend Will in Namur, and from there we took the train to Liège.  We arrived a few hours early and we were both starving so we started off by walking around looking for somewhere to eat.  We were trying to find McDonald's, but we decided we wanted some food that was more substantial, so we ate at Pizza Hut instead (isn't it great that we're branching out and trying new things?).

We didn't know where to find the bar that the exchange students were at, so another Canadian exchange student from Rotary Club came to help us find it.  It's so much fun getting together with other English speakers and making fun of each other's accents!

We walked around Liège for a while longer before we got to the bar.  We met up with some other Americans and a German guy.

When we arrived at the bar, I talked and said hello to a lot of people I hadn't seen for a long time outside of the bar.  Things were somewhat crazy from the get-go, though.  People were already dancing on the tables at 2 PM, so I went with another group of people to a different bar with a calmer setting.

When we got to the second bar, I was going to order something when I reached into my pockets to find out I didn't have my wallet.  That was probably that scariest thing to happen to me in the past few months.  A few good friends walked with me back to the original bar and my wallet was sitting on an empty table.  They don't come more absent minded than me.

After a few more hours of socializing together, we left the bar and went to the fair in Liège.  I was with AFS students at the time, but they weren't interested in doing any of the rides so I met up with some Rotary students that I met earlier in the day.  I can't really describe the ride very well but I got a pretty good view of the city.  After that, the Rotary students helped me find the train station and I went home. I also forgot my camera, but I'll post pictures later if I find any on Facebook.

Tonight I'm going to the movie theater with my host brother and some friends from school. We're seeing some French movie that I've never heard of before - gotta try new things!

For the rest of vacation, I'll be meeting up with other exchange students on Saturday and Sunday, and doing all my homework on Sunday at midnight (or Monday at midnight, whatever floats your boat).

In other news, I've been wanting to see The Sixth Sense for a long time, so I watched it the other night.  First I liked it, then when it was over I hated it, and then the next morning after sleeping on it, I realized that I love it.

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